Call for Papers


Dear authors,

the preparation of the fifth issue of the journal, which will be published at the end of 2024, is underway.

We invite you to submit your contribution  no later than July 15, 2024 to the e-mail addresses [email protected]

Given the profile of the journal, articles from the following thematic areas are acceptable:
1. Archival theory and practice (contributions from the field of archival theory and practice)
2. Discussions and contributions (historiographical contributions based on research of archival material relevant to the history of Dalmatia)
3. Sources (publication of sources smaller units of material and / or documents inventories, transcripts, translations, copies of maps and graphics, regesta).
4. Studies, reviews, reports from scientific and professional conferences, news, obituaries, etc.

In addition to Croatian as an official language of the journal, articles in Italian and English are accepted.

All articles will be subject to double blind review.

We are looking forward to future cooperation!

Editorial Team